
Moderator(s): ares1, Hermod, Nanna, Saga
Author Post
Fri Sep 25 2020, 02:31pm Print
Stings When I PVP Registered Member #261 Joined: Thu Sep 17 2020, 11:52pm
Posts: 1
Hello all, I just started playing a week ago and noticed a few things.
1. Could someone create a guide to Rebellion specific items? What they're for, how to use them, where to get them, etc.
2. Would it be possible to allow mounts in the caves? Having a baby toon with a baby genie unable to learn holy path is a slow run thru a wined Valley of Disaster cave.
3. Would it be possible to add a lvl70 TT weapon to the free TT gear you give from the Supply Stash? My poor ea is struggling with her Gen Summer's Longbow.

I apologize if any of this has been addressed, I couldn't find any info about it. Thanks in advance.
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