
Moderator(s): ares1, Hermod, Nanna, Saga
Author Post
Fri Apr 03 2020, 10:18am Print
Stings When I PVP Registered Member #36 Joined: Thu Jun 21 2018, 10:10am
Posts: 0
Hi, i have a few suggestions:

1. No more reflective shards, bless boxes and attendance sheets - no one goes to Reflection anymore, everyone has DM bless or Jones/O'Malley's, no one needs the ring from PW school teacher.
2. Please nerf the Primal Bosses, there are classes who cannot even survive that huge AOE, not even with full sharded/refined r9r3 armor, rb Nuema Portal card set and alt weapon.
3. Bring back Moon packs ! Doing the daily on 30 toons is not an abuse, it shows interest in this server. Would you rather like people going and donating on other servers?
4. Increase/modify the rewards for daily quests.
5. Fix the disconnections/server errors !
6. No more red spam regarding the Wargod Gulch event! It is annoying as heck.
7. Please put back in all Archosaur districts the DM messenger

Thank you!
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