Registered Member #19
Joined: Sat May 19 2018, 06:21pm
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Was asked to post a suggestion that the amount of mats required to reroll R8 gear at the Dusfall forge be reduced. It's a bit of a pain to run the instance, and 1 reroll a day seems a bit harsh for the amount of work involved, hardly seems worth the effort tbh.
Registered Member #22
Joined: Sun May 20 2018, 10:38am
Posts: 0
30 snogflow would be better and more inline with the game. other spirit of forge doesnt require all those mats, doesnt seem right spoken to alot of sins who have been binning the mats cos its too hard to get one reroll matts for one person for me with 6 char and hogging all the mats, i can get 2 rerolls per day slogging at it with the amount of rerolls needed to get good stats compared to the other forge it seems like a pointless task seems a shame that a couple of people are putting the brakes on a good idea for change